
Immovable Faith (Psalm 125:1-4)

The Bible Is the Foundation for Life

Psalm 125 is obviously written with Israel in mind in the concluding blessing of peace for the nation. Is it possible, however, that King David had the 21st century world scene in view when he wrote the psalm 3,000 years ago?


PSALM 125:1-5

Those who trust in the Lord
Are like Mount Zion,
Which cannot be moved, but abides forever.

Mount Zion in the distance as viewed from the Mount of Olives. © Charles E. McCracken Ministries Archives.

Mount Zion in the distance as viewed from the Mount of Olives.

As the mountains surround Jerusalem,
So the Lord surrounds His people
From this time forth and forever.

For the scepter of wickedness shall not rest
On the land allotted to the righteous,
Lest the righteous reach out their hands to iniquity.

Do good, O Lord, to those who are good,
And to those who are upright in their hearts.

As for such as turn aside to their crooked ways,
The Lord shall lead them away
With the workers of iniquity.

Peace be upon Israel!


Newsfeeds—focused on rioting in the streets, terrorism perpetrated against easy targets in unlikely places, government officials promoting unbiblical policies while stifling expressions of faith in the One-true God—may give the impression that evil and wickedness are prevailing in the world. But, the mainstream media doesn’t have the last word.

The Psalmist likens people of authentic biblical faith to the solid pinnacle of Mount Zion surrounded on all sides by mountainous terrain. Such people are immovable and surrounded by God’s protection.

He reminds that the dominion of wickedness is short lived. Righteousness will ultimately prevail. We have no reason to lose heart in the face of evil. God’s plan and purposes for Israel cannot be thwarted.

Despite circumstances, our faith can be strong because God has the situation completely under His control. Yes, trials are to be expected in every generation, especially in the days leading up to the final period of earth’s history (Jn. 16:33 cf. Mt. 24).   God will remain faithful to all who trust Him (2 Sam. 22:31).

The prayer David included in his Psalm that is part of the Songs of Ascent is applicable to people of faith regardless of the period of history in which they live. We should rightly pray that God would stifle evil (Mt. 6:13). But, we must also pray, “Do good, O Lord, to those who are good, and to those who are upright in their hearts” (v. 4).

As you spend time in prayer today, don’t focus on evil in the world.

  • Understand that God works for the good of the upright or righteous people of faith (v. 4).
  • Recognize that God also judges crooked individuals and will lead them away with the workers of iniquity (v. 5).

King David communicates an overriding principle. The upright can be like Mount Zion which cannot be moved, but remains forever. As you determine to counter the rising tide of evil in the world, God will embolden you with immovable faith to face the challenges of our times.


1) The Bible Is the Foundation for Life. (Photo credit: Pixabay/Enhancement, MKM Portfolios)
2) Mount Zion in the distance as viewed from the Mount of Olives. (Photo credit: Charles E. McCracken Photo Archive © 2016/Enhancement, MKM Portfolios)

Rev. Charles E. McCracken. Biblically Authentic - Standing with Israel.

Charles E. McCracken is an international Bible teacher, long-time friend of Israel and advocate for the Jewish people. Rev. McCracken is known for authenticity in communicating biblical truth that makes his presentations relevant for those seeking to understand the significance of Israel and the church in Bible prophecy. He staunchly supports the nation of Israel and the Jewish people’s right to exist and live in peace.

Copyright © 2016 Charles E. McCracken (updated 2021), devotional comments only. Reprint with permission from the author via Contact Form under ABOUT. Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved. 

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