Celebrate the Miracle of Israel!

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On Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel celebrates 75 years since the modern state was reborn. The celebration of Israel’s Independence Day marks a milestone in the miracle story of the nation’s return to their ancient homeland that was prophesied more than 2,600 years ago. Ezekiel received the prophecy living in Babylon as an exile:

Thus says the Lord God: “When I have gathered the house of Israel from the peoples among whom they are scattered, and am hallowed in them in the sight of the Gentiles, then they will dwell in their own land which I gave to My servant Jacob” (Ezek. 28:25).

While the ultimate fulfillment will be associated with the Messianic Kingdom, the initial regathering back to Israel’s ancestral homeland is well underway. There is a progression to the prophecy of Ezekiel that is unfolding before our eyes. Amazingly, many are making aliyah even during the sequestering of the corona pandemic

For two millennia, the Jewish people were scattered across the globe. In the late 1800s, however, a Zionist vision began to blossom in the Jewish community through men like Leon Pinsker, Rabbi Hirsch Kalisher and Theodore Herzl, the father of Zionism.

Simultaneously at the turn of the 20th century, Bible-believing Christians began recognizing and acting upon the centrality of Israel in God’s purposes. Christian Zionists in Great Britain like Lord Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaftsbury, Lord James Balfour and David Lloyd-George were instrumental in reestablishing the Jewish people in their God-given homeland. They were men who held a deep reverence and love for the Bible.

Both streams of Zionism converged in the rebirth of the modern nation in 1948. Miraculously after more than seven decades, the Jewish people continue to return to their ancient homeland.

As of April, 2023, the Jewish community in Israel is more than 7.1 million strong out of a total population of 9.7 million according to Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics.  (1)

The prophet Jeremiah also foresaw the current development in God’s plan and purpose for Israel. In that context, Jeremiah encourages the nations or non-Jewish world to rejoice in what God is doing!

Sing with gladness for Jacob, and shout among the chief of the nations; proclaim, give praise, and say, “O Lord, save Your people, the remnant of Israel!” (Jer. 31:7).

The context is provided a few verses later,

Hear the word of the Lord, O nations, and declare it in the isles afar off, and say, ” He who scattered Israel will gather him [Jacob], and keep him as a shepherd does his flock” (v. 10).

People of faith are explicitly instructed to declare to the world that God who scattered Israel in the Diaspora has an observable plan to bring them back to the land given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We are witnesses of the preliminary stages of God’s promise to regather the Jewish people to their homeland, Israel.

Some within the faith community are spiritually desensitized to the progression of God’s prophetic purposes and sadly have turned away from Israel and the veracity of the Bible. Biblically authentic Christians recognize the miracle of Israel’s rebirth as a fulfillment of the prophetic Word and respond in faith by standing in solidarity with the State of Israel and God’s Chosen People.

Ezekiel prophesied that when Gentiles hallow—revere, respect and bless—the Jewish people, God would return them home. Are you familiar enough with God’s Word to grasp the significance of the times in which we live?

Use Israel’s Independence Day to renew your passion for the Bible. It’s time for the nations to not just hear the word of the Lord, but declare it across the globe.

Don’t let the day pass without thanking God for the fulfillment of prophecy. Yom Ha’atzmaut—Israel’s modern Independence Day—is the best time for all people of faith to celebrate the miracle of Israel!

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1) Happy Independence Day, Israel. (Image in all forms used for illustrative purposes) (Photo credit: Pixabay/[No attribution required]/Enhancement, MKM Portfolios)

1) Israel Central Bureau of Statistics online.

Copyright © Charles E. McCracken, (updated 2023) devotional comments only. Repost/Reprint with permission from the author. Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Rev. Charles E. McCracken. Biblically Authentic - Standing with Israel.

Charles E. McCracken is an international Bible teacher, long-time friend of Israel and advocate for the Jewish people. Rev. McCracken authentically communicates biblical truth making his presentations relevant for those seeking to understand the significance of Israel and the church in Bible prophecy. He staunchly supports the nation of Israel and the Jewish people’s right to exist and live in peace.